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Swingin’ Drumset Solos
This book was written for the advanced* student. “Swingin’ Drumset Solos” is the logical extension of my earlier book “Swingin’ Snare Solos”. The solos themselves are the same in both books. Here, my idea is to illustrate how a single-line (melody/snare drum) rhythm can be enhanced for the full Drumset. This is done by comparing the Drumset book (which is constructed in a note-for-note, page-for-page, bar-for-bar manner) to the snare drum version. Of course, the developmental concept of these Drumset solos is understood better if the snare book is completed first. However, each book can stand on its own. Because of this, I once again include the information about jazz concepts, repeat signs etc…
Good Luck and enjoy the journey!
- It is assumed that the student has already acquired basic reading skills and reasonable stick-handling ability. If this is not the case, I would recommend my books:
- Book One of my “Drumming – Step By Step” drum course. It is packaged with two study/Play-a-long CDs and is available through DrumChops.com